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/ Draw Works New Millennium - Vector & Bitmap / DrawWorks New Millennium - Vector and Bitmap for RISC OS Workstations.iso / _typo2500 / gothic / stylised / bold / oblique / _fontspr (.png) next >
Acorn (RISC OS) Sprite  |  1998-08-03  |  58KB  |  501x231  |  4-bit (8 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: stulised.bold. Lobligue product, delighted t prerent the professropal T ypography erpert font cd. Coptarping over 2000 high quality fonts hupted with our often copred but pever hettered pdT hupting system. all fants come wtl full charocter and kerning pars where appropriate. fonts can used durectly from the capted hard requred Comprehepgrve utility programs are provided pript and UieW samples, make new werghts from efisting fopts edit kerp 0123456789 o!f$% *{]{}[] obligue products delighited pregent Profestiopal ypogrophy oppert fopt Coptarpung hunting sustem kerping pairs wher drectl copied hord Comprenepsve prouided epigtipg fapts